Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (3): 411-417. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2024.03.006

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Comparative research on the relationship between body mass index and physical fitness index among the Uygur, Kazakh and Han ethnic college students

Weimin LI1,2,Zufeiya TUERDI2,*()   

  1. 1. College of Physical Education and Health, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
    2. Institute of Physical Education, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, China
  • Received:2023-01-04 Online:2024-06-18 Published:2024-06-12
  • Contact: Zufeiya TUERDI
  • Supported by:
    the Natural Science Foundation in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(2021D01A121)




Objective: To understand the nutritional status and physical fitness of the Uygur, Kazak and Han ethnic college students, and to investigate the nonlinear relationship between BMI and physical fitness indexes in different ethnic groups. Methods: A total of 3 600 Uygur, Kazakh and Han students majoring in non-sports in a university in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2021 were selected by stratified random cluster sampling method. Height, weight, vital capacity, 50 m running, standing long jump, sit-and-reach, sit-up/pull-up and endurance running were measured. Body mass index (BMI), standardized Z score of each test score and physical fitness index (PFI) were calculated. The data were analyzed by Chi-square test, single factor analysis of variance, and nonlinear quadratic regression. Results: Prevalences of overweight (16.00%) and obesity (8.08%) of the Han college students were significantly higher than those of the Uygur (11.83% and 4.08%) and Kazakh (13.58% and 4.58%). Prevalence of low weight in the Uygur (11.92%) was the highest, and the lowest was the Kazakh (9.75%). There were significant differences in the prevalence of BMI classification among the three ethnic groups boys and girls (all P < 0.05). There were significant differences in PFI among college students of different BMI levels in the Uygur, Kazakh and Han ethnic college students (all P < 0.05), and the PFI of normal weight group was higher than the other weight groups in general, and the overweight group was higher than the obese group, but some ethnics showed the highest PFI in the low weight group. The non-linear quadratic regression results showed that the curves of the Uygur boys and girls and the Kazakh boys were inverted "J" shaped, and the PFI increased and then decreased with the increase of BMI, while the rest of the curves were arc-shaped, and the PFI decreased with the increase of BMI. Conclusion: Overweight obesity in the Uygur, Kazakh and Han ethnic college students brings about a decrease in physical fitness, but Kazakh low weight male and female and Han low weight grils have better physical fitness than the normal weight groups. Focusing on improving the physical fitness of Uygur low-weight and high-weight boys and Han high-weight girls could effectively reduce the differences in physical fitness of college students in different weight levels and ethnic groups.

Key words: Body mass index, Physical fitness, Uygur, Kazakh, College students

CLC Number: 

  • G804.49

Table 1

Body shapes and composition of the Uygur, Kazakh and Han ethnic college students"

Gender Variables Uygur Kazakh Han
Min Max ${\bar x}$±s Min Max ${\bar x}$±s Min Max ${\bar x}$±s
Male Body height/cm 151.8 190.0 173.2±6.2 153.0 194.3 176.2±6.4 147.0 194.0 173.9±6.0
Body mass/kg 45.0 107.6 65.3±10.1 50.5 115.0 69.1±10.0 46.0 143.0 68.2±13.3
BMI/(kg/m2) 16.4 34.9 21.8±3.0 16.8 35.5 22.2±2.8 15.4 43.4 22.5±4.0
Female Body height/cm 144.4 188.2 159.8±5.5 138.7 185.0 162.4±5.7 143.6 178.0 161.1±5.8
Body mass/kg 36.0 99.6 54.3±8.0 35.9 121.6 57.0±8.5 38.0 122.5 56.5±9.4
BMI/(kg/m2) 14.8 38.4 21.3±2.9 15.5 38.4 21.6±3.1 15.0 40.3 21.8±3.4

Figure 1

BMI distribution histogram of the Uygur, Kazakh and Han ethnic college students A, Uygur 21.52±2.99, n=1 200; B, Kazakh 21.80±3.04, n=1 200; C, Han 22.13±3.70, n=1 200; BMI, body mass index."

Table 2

Nutritional status of male and female college students in the Uygur, Kazakh and Han ethnic ethnic groups"

Nutritional status Boys, n(%) Girls, n(%) Boys and girls comparison
Uygur Kazakh Han Uygur Kazakh Han χ2 P
Underweight 53 (8.33) 17 (4.86) 65 (10.83) 90 (15.00) 100 (11.76) 77 (12.83) 30.12 <0.001
Normal weight 437 (72.83) 257 (73.43) 366 (61.00) 429 (71.50) 608 (71.53) 403 (67.17) 88.57 <0.001
Overweight 80 (13.33) 58 (16.57) 110 (18.33) 62 (10.33) 105 (12.35) 82 (13.67) 19.92 <0.001
Obesity 30 (5.00) 18 (5.14) 59 (9.83) 19 (3.17) 37 (4.35) 38 (6.33) 12.79 <0.01
χ2 33.87 13.52
P <0.001 <0.05

Table 3

Comparison of physical fitness scores of the Uygur, Kazakh and Han ethnic college students in different age groups with different BMI levels"

Gender Ethnicity Underweight Normal weight Overweight Obesity F P
Male Uygur -0.53±2.85 0.31±3.15 -0.54±3.27 -3.52±3.43b 15.040 <0.001
Kazakh 0.92±2.59 0.46±3.49a -1.50±3.33b -2.57±4.38 8.825 <0.001
Han 0.33±3.06 0.75±3.20 -0.97±3.12a -3.21±4.14b 28.763 <0.001
Female Uygur -0.43±3.18 0.21±3.03 -0.51±3.09 -1.23±2.23 2.945 <0.05
Kazakh 0.28±3.28 0.27±3.14 -0.97±3.51a -2.39±4.63b 11.191 <0.001
Han 0.95±2.67 0.09±3.11 -0.71±3.12 -1.26±3.00 6.262 <0.001

Figure 2

Regression curve between PFI and BMI of the Uygur (U), Kazakh (K) and Han (H) ethnic male college students A, linear regression for freshmen; B, linear regression for sophomore; C, linear regression for junior; D, quadratic regression for freshmen; E, quadratic regression for sophomore; F, quadratic regression for junior. RMSE, root mean squared error; PFI, physical fitness indes; BMI, body mass index."

Figure 3

Regression curve between PFI and BMI of the Uygur (U), Kazakh (K) and Han (H) ethnic female college students A, linear regression for freshmen; B, linear regression for sophomore; C, linear regression for junior; D, quadratic regression for freshmen; E, quadratic regression for sophomore; F, quadratic regression for junior. RMSE, root mean squared error; PFI, physical fitness indes; BMI, body mass index."

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