Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ›› 2019, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 245-251. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2019.02.008

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Pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulating osteogenic differentiation and maturation involves primary cilia-PI3K/AKT pathway

Qian REN1,Jian ZHOU1,Ming-gang WANG2,Ke-ming CHEN1,()   

  1. 1. Institute of Orthopaedics, Lanzhou General Hospital of PLA, Lanzhou 730050, China
    2. College of Life Science and Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
  • Received:2017-05-17 Online:2019-04-18 Published:2019-04-26
  • Contact: Ke-ming CHEN
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(81270963);the National Natural Science Foundation of China(81471090);Gansu Natural Science Foundation(1506RJZA306)


Objective: To study whether the pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) promoting rat osteoblasts differentiation and maturation is related to the primary cilia and PI3K/AKT pathway, and to explore the mechanism of PEMF in promoting bone differentiation.Methods: Enzyme solution was used to obtain newborn SD rats calvarial osteoblasts (ROB), which were processed by 50 Hz 0.6 mT PEMF for 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 h, detecting PI3K and AKT protein expression and changes in primary cilia length and incidence; with LY294002 blocking PI3K/AKT signaling pathways we observed whether PEMF promoted osteogenic differentiation of ROB was affected; by interfering IFT88 gene expression by RNAi to inhibit primary cilia we observed whether PI3K/AKT signaling pathway and osteogenic differentiation of ROB was affected. Osteogenic differentiation indexes included alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, Real-time PCR and Western blot detection of osteogenic related genes of BMP-2, COL-1 and OSX and calcified nodules number, etc.Results: After exposure to PEMF for 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h, the protein expression of PI3K and AKT in ROB were increased significantly (P<0.01) and the primary cilia became longer; and the protein expression of PI3K reached the highest level at 0.5 h, as the treatment time of PEMF increased, the PI3K protein expression decreased. AKT showed higher protein expression at 0.5 h and 1.5 h. After blocking the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway with the PI3K blocker LY294002, PEMF could no longer increase ALP activity and the gene expressions of BMP-2, COL-1, OSX which were osteogenically related. However, PEMF could increase the ALP activity and the osteogenically related gene expression in ROB before blocking. After RNAi interfered the primary cilia, PEMF could no longer increase the protein expression of PI3K, which indicated that PEMF could not activate the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway after primary cilia interfering; secondly, the effect of PEMF on enhancing ALP activity disappeared, it also decrease the gene expressions of BMP-2, COL-1, and OSX, and the ability of increasing the calcification nodule formation also disappeared, indicating that the ability of PEMF to promote osteoblast maturation and mineralization disappeared after primary cilia interference.Conclusion: PEMF activated the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway through primary cilia on the surface of osteoblasts, then promoted bone formation activity and differentiation.

Key words: Pulse electromagnetic fields (PEMF), Osteoblast, RNA interference, PI3K

CLC Number: 

  • R336

Figure 1

Effect of pulse electromagnetic fieldsl (PEMF) on primary cilia A, immunostaining for primary cilia; B, after exposure at the 50 Hz 0.6 mT PEMF for 1.5 h, then put the cells in CO2 cell incubator for 2 h, and the primary cilia get longer; C, cell with primary cilia; D, the length of primary cilia; Con, control; *P<0.05, vs. control."

Figure 2

Treatment with 50 Hz 0.6 mT pulse electromagnetic fields (PEMF) enhances the expression of PI3K The protein level was examined by Western blotting. Prorein in lysates were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE. After transferring onto the membrane the blots were probed with anti-PI3K. Actin was used as a loading control. Band intensities were analyzed by densitometry scanning using image. The data point represent x?±s of relative optical density (n=3). # P<0.01 vs. control."

Figure 3

Treatment with 50 Hz 0.6 mT pulse electromagnetic fields (PEMF) enhances the expression of p-AKT The protein level was examined by Western blotting. Protein in lysates were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE. After transferring onto the membrane the blots were probed with anti-p-AKT. Band intensities were analyzed by densitometry scanning using image. The data points represent x?±s of relative optical density (n=3). # P<0.01 vs. control."

Figure 4

Effect of pulse electromagnetic fields (PEMF) and LY294002 on ALP activity in rat osteoblast cells The ALP activity of osteoblast cultures was measured using an ALP assay kit at one day (1.5 h/d) after PEMF treatment. Osteoblasts were seeded at 1×105 cells/mL in 96-well plate. They were sub-cultures and randomly divided into four group: Control group, PEMF group (treated by 50 Hz 0.6 mT PEMF), LY294002 group (treated with 50 μmol/L LY294002), and LY294002+PEMF group (treated with 50 μmol/L LY294002 and 50 Hz 0.6 mT PEMF). The data represent x?±s (n=3). # P<0.01 vs. control (Con);☆ P<0.01 vs. PEMF."

Figure 5

Effect of pulse electromagnetic fields (PEMF) and LY294002 on gene expression in rat osteoblast cells After treated by PEMF for 3 days (1.5 h/d), osteoblasts were washed with PBS and total RNA was isolated using RNAisoTM Plus reagent, mRNA expression of Bmp-2 (A), Collagen-1 (B) and Osterix (C) was quantitated by RT-PCR. The GAPDH was used as internal control. The data represent x ? ±s of mRNA expression level (n=3). *P<0.05, # P<0.01, vs. control (Con); △P<0.05, ☆P<0.01, vs. PEMF. "

Figure 6

siRNA transfection interferes IFT88 gene and protein expression The inhibition of IFT88 gene expression as revealed by RT-PCR (A), and the protein expression inhibition as revealed by Western blot (B and C) in siRNA group compared to negative control. SC, scrambled control. #P<0.01, vs. SC."

Figure 7

Effects of IFT88 siRNA transfection on primary cilia of rat osteoblasts A, normal primary cilia as immunofluorescence stained by acetylated-tubulin (green); B, primary cilia became dotted and short after 24 h of IFT88 siRNA transfection; C, percentages of cells with primary cilia in negative control and siRNA groups. SC, scrambled control. # P<0.01, vs. SC."

Figure 8

Effect of PEMF and RNAi on the protein expression of PI3K The protein level was examined by Western blot. Protein in lysates were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE. After transferring onto the membrane the blots were probed with anti-PI3K. Actin was used as a loading control. Band intensities were analyzed by densitometry scanning using image. The data point represent x ? ±s of relative optical density (n=3). SC, scrambled control. *P<0.05, vs. SC; ☆P<0.01, vs. SC+PEMF. "

Figure 9

Effect of PEMF and RNAi on ALP activity in rat osteoblast cells The ALP activity of osteoblast cultures was measured using an ALP assay kit at one day (1.5 h/d) after PEMF treatment. Osteoblasts were seeded at 1×105cells/mL in 96-well plate. They were sub-cultures and randomly divided into four group: SC group (transfected with scrambled control siRNA), SC+PEMF group (transfected with scrambled control siRNA and treated by 50 Hz 0.6 mT PEMF), siRNA group(transfected with IFT88 siRNA), and siRNA+PEMF group (transfected with IFT88 siRNA and treated by 50 Hz 0.6 mT PEMF). The data represent x ? ±s of absorbance value±standard deviation (n=3). SC, scrambled control. #P<0.01, vs. SC;☆P<0.01, vs. SC+PEMF. "

Figure 10

Effect of PEMF and RNAi on osteogenic gene expression in rat osteoblast cells After treated by PEMF for 3 days (1.5 h/d), osteoblasts were washed with PBS and total RNA was isolated using RNAisoTM Plus reagent, mRNA expression of Bmp-2 (A), Collagen-1 (B) and Osterix (C) was quantitated by RT-PCR. The GAPDH was used as internal control. The data represent x ? ±s of mRNA expression level±standard deviation (n=3). SC, scrambled control. *P<0.05, # P<0.01 vs. SC; △P<0.05, ☆ P<0.01 vs. SC+PEMF. "

Figure 11

Effects of IFT88 siRNA-mediated primary cilium inhibition on PEMF-induces promotion on mineralization of rat calvarial osteoblasts A, the Alizarin red staining results after 13 d; B, quantification of mineral matrix deposition using Image-Pro Plus 6.0 program. Results shown are the average of three independent tests. Each red dot represents a calcified nodule unit. Large numbers of red dots indicate more active osteogenic differentiation. C, the number of calcified nodules quantified by Image-Pro Plus 6.0. The data points represent x ? ±s of calcified tubercle area level (n=3). SC, scrambled control. # P<0.01, vs. SC, ☆P<0.01, vs. SC+PEMF. "

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