Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ›› 2019, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 365-368. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2019.02.032

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Organ-sparing partial orchietectomy for testicular adenomatoid tumor

Jian-fei YE,Bing WANG,Lu-lin MA(),Lei ZHAO,Guo-liang WANG,Kai HONG   

  1. Department of Urology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2017-03-16 Online:2019-04-18 Published:2019-04-26
  • Contact: Lu-lin MA




Objective: The incidence of testicular tumors is relatively low which are mainly malignant, so the main way to treat testicular tumors is radical testicular resection. Testicular adenomatoid tumor is a rare testicular benign tumor, but is easily misdiagnosed as malignant tumors with removal of organs. This article aims to explore the clinical features of testicular adenomatoid tumor and its treatment.Methods: There were 133 cases of testicular tumor in the Peking University Third Hospital from May 1994 to November 2016. We conducted a retrospective analysis of three patients who underwent the treatment of partial orchiectomy with preservation of the organ and were pathologically diagnosed with testicular adenomatoid tumor after surgery. The follow-up was done by outpatient clinics and telephone inquiry after surgery. The related literature was also reviewed for further discussion.Results: Of all the 133 patients, 116 had radical resection of the testis and 17 had partial testicular resection due to specific reasons (5 cases of epidermoid cyst, 4 cases of teratoma, 3 cases of seminoma, 3 cases of adenomatoid tumor, and 2 cases of Sertoli cell tumor). The mean age of the 3 patients was (42.67±10.97) years (30-49 years), the mean hospital stay was (9.00±5.20) d (6-15 d), the mean body mass index was (26.20±1.42) kg/m 2 (25.00-27.76 kg/m 2), the mean serum human choionic gonadotophin (HCG) was (1.15±0.11) IU/L (1.07-1.23 IU/L) (all normal) and the mean serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was (2.12±0.66) μg/L (1.65-2.58 μg/L) (both were normal). Ultrasound features revealed a clear or unclear border, solid, moderate echo nodule tumor in the testis. The mean maximal diameter of the tumor was (1.00±0.44) cm (0.50-1.30 cm), and the mean duration of intraoperative warm ischemia time was (19.67±17.10) min (0-31 min) (only the last two cases). No recurrence or malignant transformation was observed during the follow-up. Conclusion: Testicular adenomatoid tumor is mainly based on the characteristics of ultrasound to determine preoperatively, but easy to be misdiagnosed with testicular radical resection. The recommended surgery for adenomatoid tumor is partial resection of the testis via the inguinal approach according to the frozen section pathology to determine whether to retain the organ.

Key words: Testicular neoplasms, Adenomatoid tumor, Organ-sparing, Partial orchiectomy

CLC Number: 

  • R737.21

Table 1

Basic data of the 3 patients of testicular adenomatoid tumor"

No. Age/years Side Chief complain
1 49 Left Palpable mass in the left scrotum for 10 days
2 30 Right Palpable mass in the right scrotum for 6 months
3 49 Right Painful mass in the right testis for 2 months

Table 2

Perioperative data of the 3 patients of testicular adenomatoid tumor"

No. HCG/(IU/L) AFP/(μg/L) The largest diameter/cm Approach Surgery Ischemia time/min
1 - - 0.5 Scrotum Partialorchiectomy 0
2 1.23 1.65 1.3 Inguinal Partialorchiectomy 28
3 1.07 2.58 1.2 Inguinal Partialorchiectomy 31

Figure 1

Ultrasonography of adenomatoid tumor of testis"

Figure 2

Pathology of adenomatoid tumor of testis (HE ×200)"

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