Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2022, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (6): 1208-1213. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2022.06.025

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Ruxolitinib as an effective treatment for panniculitis associated hemophagocytic syndrome: A report of 2 cases and literature review

Gong-ming LI1,2,Yue-bo JIN2,Yu-zhou GAN2,Chen CHEN2,Yuan JIA2,Chun LI2,*()   

  1. 1. Department of Rheumatology, Linyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Linyi 276003, Shandong, China
    2. Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Peking University People's Hospital, Beijing 100044, China
  • Received:2022-08-27 Online:2022-12-18 Published:2022-12-19
  • Contact: Chun LI
  • Supported by:
    the China International Medical Foundation(Z-2018-40-2101)


Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is a severe disease characterized by excessive release of inflammatory cytokines caused by abnormal activation of lymphocytes and macrophages, which can cause multiple organ damage and even death. Panniculitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of subcutaneous adipose tissue. We effectively treated 2 patients with panniculitis-associated HPS with ruxolitinib. Case 1: A 70-year-old male started with intermittent plantar swelling and pain, and then developed leukocytosis, mild anemia, multiple red maculopapules with painless subcutaneous nodules on the forehead, neck and bilateral lower legs. The patient was treated with prednisone and leflunomide for improvement. After that, repeated fever and rash occurred again. After admission to our hospital, we found his leukocyte and hemoglobin decreased, ferritin raised, fibrinogen and natural killer (NK) cell activity decreased, and hemophagocytic cells were found in bone marrow aspiration. The skin pathology was consistent with non-suppurative nodular panniculitis. He was diagnosed with nodular panniculitis associa-ted HPS. He was treated with glucocorticoid, cyclosporine, etoposide and gamma globule, but the disease was not completely controlled. After adjusting etoposide to ruxolitinib, his symptoms and abnormal laboratory findings returned to normal. After 2 months he stopped using ruxolitinib due to repeated infections. During the follow-up, though the prednisone dose was tapered, his condition was stable. Case 2: A 46-year-old female patient developed from intermittent fever, erythematous nodular rash with tenderness, leukopenia, and abnormal liver function. antibiotic therapy was ineffective. She improved after glucocorticoid treatment, and relapsed after glucocorticoid reduction. There were fever, limb nodules, erythema with ulcerative necrosis, intermittent abdominal pain when she came to our hospital. Blood examination showed that her white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets were decreased, fibrinogen was decreased, triglyceride was increased, ferritin and soluble interleukin-2 receptor(SIL-2R/sCD25) were significantly raised, and hemophagocytic cells were found in bone marrow aspiration. It was found that Epstein-Barr virus DNA was transiently positive, skin Staphylococcus aureus infection, and pulmonary Aspergillus flavus infection, but C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were normal, and no evidence of tumor and other infection was found. Skin pathology was considered panniculitis. The diagnosis was panniculitis, HPS and complicated infection. Antibiotic therapy and symptomatic blood transfusion were given first, but the disease was not controlled. Later, dexamethasone was given, and the condition improved, but the disease recurred after reducing the dose of dexamethasone. Due to the combination of multiple infections, the application of etoposide had a high risk of infection spread. Ruxolitinib, dexamethasone, and anti-infective therapy were given, and her condition remained stable after dexamethasone withdrawal. After 2 months of medication, she stopped using ruxolitinib. One week after stopping using ruxolitinib, she developed fever and died after 2 weeks of antibiotic therapy treatment in a local hospital. In conclusion, panniculitis and HPS are related in etiology, pathogenic mechanism and clinical manifestations. Abnormal activation of Janus-kinase and signal transduction activator of transcription pathway and abnormal release of inflammatory factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of the two diseases. The report suggests that ruxolitinib is effective and has broad prospects in the treatment of panniculitis associated HPS.

Key words: Panniculitis, Hemophagocytic syndrome, Ruxolitinib

CLC Number: 

  • R55

Figure 1

The rashes, imaging and skin pathology of case 1 A, red patches on face; B, PET-CT point out the FDG intake of plantar skin is increased; C and D, leg skin pathology suggests non suppurative nodular panniculitis (C, HE ×40; D, HE ×100). PET-CT, positron emission tomography-computed tomography; FDG, β-2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose."

Figure 2

The limbs skin lesions and bone marrow pathology of case 2 A, skin lesions of lower limbs; B and C, hemophagocytic cells were found in bone marrow aspiration (Wright's stain ×400)."

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