Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (5): 809-814. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2024.05.009

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Path analysis of influencing factors of mental resilience in adolescents with depression

Min WANG*(), Qian LI   

  1. Department of Psychology, Jiaozuo Fourth People ' s Hospital, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China
  • Received:2023-08-10 Online:2024-10-18 Published:2024-10-16
  • Contact: Min WANG




Objective: To discuss the influencing factors of mental resilience in adolescents with depression, and to analyze the interaction between them by using path analysis, in order to determine the reasonable prevention and treatment measures for clinical practice and provide reference for the study of mental resilience in adolescents with depression. Methods: This survey adopted cross-sectional study and convenience sampling method. General information questionnaire, Connor-Davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC), family assessment device (FAD) and social support rating scale (SSRS) were used to investigate the general information, mental resilience level, family function and social support level of 162 adolescents with depression in Jiaozuo Fourth People ' s Hospital. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of mental resilience in adolescents with depression. Structural equation model was established by Amos 22.0 software to analyze the influencing factors. Results: (1) The total score of CD-RISC and the scores of toughness, strength and optimism in adolescents with depression were lower than the domestic norm (P < 0.05). (2) The results of multiple linear regression showed that weight, childhood trauma experience, family structure, family function, parental rearing style, parental marital status, social support and depression degree were the influencing factors of psychological resilience of adolescents with depression (P < 0.05). (3) The model showed that weight, childhood trauma experience, family structure, family function and social support had direct effects on the mental resilience of adolescents with depression, and also had indirect effects on the mental resilience of adolescents with depression through the degree of depression (P < 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, we found that weight, childhood trauma experience, social support, depression degree and other factors have an effect on the psychological resilience of adolescents with depression. We suggest that school administrators increase the class time and course content of physical education courses, improve the mental health service system, strengthen mental health services for key groups, and formulate corresponding topics for timely counseling. At the same time, encourage them to actively participate in social practice activities, enhance self-confidence, and thus help to improve the level of psychological resilience of adolescents with depression.

Key words: Teenagers, Depression, Mental resilience, Influencing factors

CLC Number: 

  • R749.4

Table 1

CD-RISC scores of adolescents with depression"

Items Depressed adolescents (n=162), ${\bar x}$±s Domestic norm (n=75), ${\bar x}$±s t P
Hardiness 27.50±3.38 43.89±6.12 26.493 <0.001
Strength 18.01±3.13 27.36±4.29 18.930 <0.001
Optimism 10.11±0.65 12.24±1.65 14.242 <0.001
Total score 55.62±4.18 83.49±5.34 43.597 <0.001

Table 2

Comparison of CD-RISC total score in adolescents with depression with different clinical characteristics"

Project n CD-RISC total score, ${\bar x}$±s t/F P
 Gender 0.777 0.438
  Male 48 56.13±4.48
  Female 114 55.41±5.72
 Age/years 1.701 0.091
  14-16 68 56.42±4.69
  17-18 94 55.04±5.37
 Weight 16.538 <0.001
  Low weight 81 55.71±5.18
  Normal weight 44 58.33±4.46
  Overweight 37 52.20±4.20
 Learning stage 1.286 0.279
  Middle school 56 56.53±4.55
  Senior middle school 90 55.12±5.63
  Other 16 55.25±5.38
 Place of residence 1.353 0.178
  Cities and towns 102 56.03±4.41
  Rural area 60 54.92±5.97
 The only child 1.970 0.051
  Yes 56 56.76±4.72
  No 106 55.02±5.65
 Parental upbringing style 17.087 <0.001
  Authoritative 37 60.96±6.35
  Overindulgent type 60 54.52±4.61
  Authoritarian style 33 52.83±5.78
  Neglected type 32 54.38±4.56
 Family function 59.015 <0.001
  General 55 50.52±4.41
  Good 69 55.70±5.32
  Excellent 38 62.86±6.65
 Mother/father depression 1.171 0.243
  Yes 50 54.85±4.52
  No 112 55.96±5.98
 Childhood trauma experience 9.660 <0.001
  Yes 55 50.03±4.41
  No 107 58.49±5.67
 Smoke 0.955 0.341
  Yes 30 56.44±4.49
  No 132 55.43±5.38
 Drink 1.978 0.050
  Yes 44 56.92±4.82
  No 118 55.14±5.19
 Parental marital status 54.031 <0.001
  Stable 86 59.66±6.85
  Divorce/widow 33 55.09±5.67
  Reorganized marriage 43 47.95±4.32
 Family structure 54.912 <0.001
  Host family 10 40.51±4.11
  Atavism family 43 51.60±4.72
  Nuclear family 50 55.15±5.38
  Third generation direct family 59 61.51±6.33
 Social support 123.518 <0.001
  Low 53 48.48±3.88
  Medium 65 55.81±4.67
  High 44 63.94±5.95
 Depression level 11.203 <0.001
  Moderate 137 57.13±4.12
  Severe 25 47.35±3.35

Table 3

Multivariate linear regression analysis of factors influencing the total score of CD-RISC in adolescents with depression"

Independent variable Partial regression coefficient Standard error Standardized regression coefficient t P
Weight -3.628 -0.224 -0.134 -16.196 <0.001
Childhood trauma experience -0.250 -0.018 -0.075 -13.888 <0.001
Family structure 0.500 0.042 0.081 11.905 <0.001
Family function -0.766 -0.075 -0.141 -10.213 <0.001
Parental upbringing style 1.560 0.156 0.120 10.000 <0.001
Parental marital status 0.850 0.031 0.294 27.420 <0.001
Social support 0.595 0.048 0.198 12.396 <0.001
Depression level -3.600 -0.215 -0.011 -16.744 <0.001

Table 4

Path analysis of factors influencing psychological resilience in adolescents with depression"

Influence factor Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect
Weight -0.072 -0.011 -0.083
Childhood trauma experience -0.260 -0.158 -0.418
Family structure 0.050 0.003 0.053
Family function -0.160 -0.122 -0.282
Parental upbringing style 0.191 0.191
Parental marital status 0.296 0.296
Social support 0.168 0.022 0.190
Depression level -0.158 -0.158

Figure 1

Path analysis of factors influencing psychological resilience in adolescents with depression"

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