Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ›› 2017, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (2): 354-356. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-167X.2017.02.030

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One of the pitfalls in the surgical treatment of maisonneuve fractures: a case report

JI Hong-quan△, ZHOU Fang, TIAN Yun, ZHANG Zhi-shan, GUO Yan, LV Yang, YANG Zhong-wei, HOU Guo-jin   

  1. (Department of Orthopaedic, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China)
  • Online:2017-04-18 Published:2017-04-18
  • Contact: JI Hong-quan,


There exist controversies in the surgical treatment of maisonneuve injury with regard to reduction and fixation of syndesmosis and management of proximal fibular fracture. It is very important for the orthopaedic surgeons to learn more techniques and avoid pitfalls from clinical practice. We summarized the clinical data of 1 failed case, a 20-year-old girl with big body weight who underwent a primary surgery for the treatment of maisonneuve fracture with minimally invasive reduction and fixation of ankle syndesmosis and posterior malleolus and open reduction and internal fixation of medial malleolus, then a revision surgery for the treatment of iatrogenic syndesmotic malreduction with open reduction and re-stabilization of ankle syndesmosis supplemented with open reduction and internal fixation of proximal fibular facture. The malreduction of distal fibula was not found until finishing the postoperative computed tomography (CT) scan 2 weeks after the primary surgery, then the patient experienced an revision surgery including removal of the screws installed primarily for fixation of ankle syndesmosis, and open reduction and internal fixation of proximal fibular fracture, and limited open reduction and re-stabilization of ankle syndesmosis. Then the patient rehabilitated regularly under the direction of the surgeon who performed these two operations, and the postoperative recovery was smooth, then the hardwares for fixation of ankle syndesmosis and fracture of proximal fibula and medial malleolus were removed at different postoperative time. The patient experienced an excellent outcome at the end of the 3-year follow-up. The reasons for the failure in this case might include the overemphasized minimally invasive technique in the process of reduction, inaccurate assessment of intraoperative fluoroscopy and postoperative radiographs, and inappropriate utilization of the reduction clamp. Attention should be paid to the fact that an obliquely placed clamp for closed reduction of diastasis of ankle syndesmosis could result in syndesmotic malreduction. The worsened alignment of the fracture end of proximal fibula observed by intraoperative fluoroscopy may alert surgeons to syndesmotic malreduction. Partial exposure of syndesmosis and anatomical reduction and fixation of proximal fibular fracture may be useful measurres to avoid malreduction of ankle syndesmosis in the surgical treatment of maisonneuve injury in some patient, especially the patient with critically destabilized ankle.

Key words: Fractures, bone, Fibula, Ankle joint, Surgical procedures, operative

CLC Number: 

  • R681.8
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