Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (3): 506-513. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2020.03.017

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Relationship between the five-factor model of personality traits and self-management attitude of patients with type 2 diabetes

Ze-ming LI,Min GAO,Xue-ying CHEN,Xin-ying SUN()   

  1. Department of Social Medicine and Health Education,School of Public Health, Peking University Health Center, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2020-02-17 Online:2020-06-18 Published:2020-06-30
  • Contact: Xin-ying SUN
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(71673009)




Objective: To explore the correlation between different personality characteristics and self-management attitude such as medication, exercise and diet in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Methods: The patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from 4 Community Healthcare Services and 22 affiliated community stations of Tongzhou District and Shunyi District of Beijing were selected as subjects. The Chinese big five personality inventory and the self-designed scale including the attitudes of medication, exercise and diet were used in the study.Results: In this study, 642 subjects were finally included, among whom the sex ratio of male and female was basically the same, 61.21% were over 61 years old. In this study, different genders had differences in neurotic personality (P<0.05), different age groups had differences in agreeableness and openness (P<0.05), different education levels had differences in openness and extraversion (P<0.05), and different income levels had differences in agreeableness, openness and extraversion (P<0.05). The linear correlation analysis of the five-factor moldel of personality traits with medication, exercise and diet attitude showed that three items of perceived disorders of medication were positively correlated with neuroticism (r=0.125, 0.187, 0.151, P<0.05), four items of perceived disorders of exercise were positively correlated with neurotic personality (r=0.163, 0.129, 0.119, 0.104, P<0.05), and perceived benefits of exercise were positively correlated with conscientiousness (five items, r=0.156, 0.111, 0.131, 0.104, 0.131, P<0.05), agreeableness (two items, r=0.092, 0.078, P<0.05) and extraversion (four items, r=0.079, 0.122, 0.115, 0.123, P<0.05), three items of perceived disorders of diet were positively correlated with neuroticism (r=0.115, 0.137, 0.108, P<0.05), and two items of were negatively correlated with conscientiousness (r=-0.126, -0.161, P<0.05) and agreeableness (r=-0.103, -0.115, P<0.05). In the canonical correlation analysis, according to the formula combination of three groups of typical variables and canonical structure diagrams, neuroticism and agreeableness played major roles in personality traits, and items that represented “obstacles” in medication, exercise, and dietary attitudes played a major role.Conclusion: All the five personality traits were correlated with the self-management attitude of type 2 diabetes patients, and different personality traits have an impact on the self-management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In particular, it is of great significance to understand neuroticism for improving the mental health and quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Therefore, attention should be paid to the influence of psychological factors in community management of type 2 diabetes and disease self-management, and the personalized care and health education should be carried out according to the personality traits of patients.

Key words: Type 2 diabetes, The five-factor model of personality, Self-management, Canonical correlation

CLC Number: 

  • R587.1

Table 1

Scores of each dimension of the five-factor model of persinality (x?±s)"

Items n (%) N C A O E
Total 642 17.84±7.93 40.05±6.65 38.44±6.17 27.79±9.22 30.02±8.90
Gender Male 312(48.60) 17.12±7.63 39.96±7.12 38.06±6.51 28.14±9.13 30.22±8.66
Female 330(51.40) 18.53±8.16 40.14±6.17 38.79±5.81 27.47±9.30 29.83±9.12
t -2.266 -0.345 -1.514 0.926 0.543
P 0.024 0.730 0.131 0.355 0.587
Age ≤50 53(8.26) 18.89±8.30 39.45±7.04 36.66±5.46 31.36±8.55 31.66±7.52
51-60 196(30.53) 19.01±8.86 39.95±6.50 38.66±6.23 29.68±9.26 30.66±8.82
≥61 393(61.21) 17.12±7.31 40.18±6.68 38.56±6.20 26.37±9.01 29.48±9.07
F/Hc 5.535 0.800 7.893 13.246 2.128
P 0.063a 0.670a 0.019a 0.000 0.120
Education level Primary school 74(11.58) 19.38±8.4 39.72±6.32 38.43±5.74 25.57±9.26 27.72±9.04
Middle school 291(45.54) 18.04±8.08 39.61±6.57 38.05±6.43 26.92±9.37 29.33±9.35
High school 166(25.98) 17.12±7.81 40.49±6.62 38.31±6.53 28.20±9.00 30.92±8.82
University /College 100(15.65) 17.4±7.36 40.63±7.27 39.54±4.94 30.55±8.21 31.71±7.21
Graduate school 8(1.25) 14.13±5.00 43.88±3.72 42.88±3.40 38.00±5.29 36.50±4.66
F/Hc 5.681 9.17 7.68 6.741 4.119
P 0.224a 0.057a 0.104a 0.000 0.003
Personal monthly income <3 000 190(29.97) 18.29±7.96 39.75±6.34 37.56±6.45 26.76±9.45 28.76±9.19
3 000-4 999 279(44.01) 17.68±7.9 40.29±6.69 38.89±6.08 27.51±9.06 30.14±8.76
≥5 000 165(26.03) 17.36±7.71 40.11±7.02 38.70±5.96 29.5±8.88 31.36±8.68
F/Hc 1.363 2.071 7.049 4.214 3.838
P 0.506a 0.355a 0.029a 0.015 0.020
Marital status Mateless 40(6.26) 20.15±8.59 38.55±7.25 38.98±5.77 27.10±10.43 29.25±9.24
Married 599(93.74) 17.65±7.86 40.16±6.61 38.42±6.19 27.85±9.14 30.07±8.90
t 0.209 0.033 0.041 1.095 0.000
P 0.647 0.856 0.839 0.296 0.990

Table 2

The correlation coefficient of the five-factor model of personality and medication"

Items N C A O E
1.Anti-diabetic medications are very effective in controlling blood glucose 0.031 0.066 0.018 0.000 -0.007
2.Anti-diabetic medications can effectively avoid adiabetes-related complications -0.013 0.092* 0.046 0.088* 0.089*
3.Anti-diabetic medications are too expensive 0.125# 0.069 0.072 0.051 0.026
4.Taking anti-diabetic medications have side effects 0.049 0.053 0.037 0.02 -0.021
5.The use of anti-diabetic medications is too complicated 0.187# 0.032 0.020 0.081* 0.04
6.The reimbursement of anti-diabetic medications is too low 0.151# 0.030 -0.031 0.035 -0.029

Table 3

The correlation coefficient and significance test"

Items Canonical correlations Wilk’s χ2 P
1 0.240 0.909 58.928 0.001
2 0.122 0.965 22.170 0.331
3 0.113 0.979 12.934 0.374
4 0.085 0.992 4.994 0.545
5 0.027 0.999 0.465 0.790

Figure 1

Canonical correlation structure chart of five-factor model of personality and medication"

Table 4

The correlation coefficient of the Five-factor personality and exercise"

Items N C A O E
1.Exercise is very effective in controlling blood glucose -0.080* 0.156# 0.092* 0.017 0.061
2.Exercise can effectively avoid diabetes-related complications -0.052 0.111# 0.037 0.040 0.079*
3.Exercise is very effective for weight control 0.009 0.131# 0.078* 0.132# 0.122#
4.I feel very comfortable after exercise -0.019 0.104# 0.025 0.048 0.115#
5.I’m in good mood after exercise -0.042 0.131# 0.063 0.067 0.123#
6.I don’t like exercise 0.056 -0.061 -0.107# -0.049 -0.070
7.I feel very tired after exercise 0.163# -0.022 0.072 0.040 -0.018
8.Exercise is a burden for me 0.129# -0.101# -0.074 0.002 -0.044
9.I feel breathless and my heartbeat is very fast during/after exercise 0.119# -0.046 -0.015 0.008 -0.003
10.I am worried about hypoglycemia after exercise 0.104# 0.027 -0.001 0.094* 0.001

Table 5

The correlation coefficient and significance test"

No. Canonical correlations Wilk’s χ2 P
1 0.240 0.870 86.764 0.001
2 0.218 0.923 50.012 0.060
3 0.131 0.969 19.849 0.705
4 0.092 0.986 9.069 0.827
5 0.077 0.994 3.739 0.712

Figure 2

Canonical correlation structure chart of five-factor model of personality and exercise"

Table 6

The correlation coefficient of five-factor model of personality and diet"

Items N C A O E
1.Diabetic diets are very effective in controlling blood glucose -0.021 0.120# 0.043 0.076 0.079*
2.Diabetic diets can very effectively avoid diabetes-related complications 0.013 0.049 0.009 0.058 0.081*
3.Diabetic diets are very effective for weight control -0.005 0.043 0.092* 0.003 0.046
4.Following diabetic diets is too complicated 0.115# -0.077 -0.050 0.041 0.004
5.Diabetic diets make me lost the pleasure of eating 0.137# -0.126# -0.103# 0.004 -0.058
6.Diabetic diets make me have no appetite for food 0.108# -0.161# -0.115# 0.013 -0.074

Table 7

The correlation coefficient and significance test"

No. Canonical correlations Wilk’s χ2 P
1 0.201 0.929 46.343 0.029
2 0.139 0.968 20.318 0.438
3 0.097 0.987 8.110 0.776
4 0.056 0.997 2.190 0.901
5 0.019 1.000 0.221 0.895

Figure 3

Canonical correlation structure chart of five-factor model of personality and diet"

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