Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2022, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 244-248. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2022.02.007

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Equol and its enantiomers inhibited urethane-induced lung cancer in mice

YU Xue,ZOU Yong-qiu,WANG Ying,CHEN Ze-kun,MA De-fu()   

  1. Department of Social Medicine and Health Education, Peking University School of Public Health, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2020-01-09 Online:2022-04-18 Published:2022-04-13
  • Contact: De-fu MA
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(81573130);Beijing Natural Science Foundation(7172117);Beijing Natural Science Foundation(S160004)




Objective: To investigate the effects and mechanisms of equol and its enantiomers on urethane-induced lung cancer in mice. Methods: A total of 120 5-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into 8 groups: lung cancer tumor control group (CG), genistein control group (GCG), low dose racemic equol group (LEG), high dose racemic equol group (HEG), low dose R-equol group (LRE), high dose R-equol group (HRE), low dose S-equol group (LSE) and high dose S-equol group (HSE). Urethane was injected subcutaneously twice a week for 4 weeks to induce lung cancer and then the mice were fed for 4 months. The body weight and food intake of each group were measured and recorded weekly. After the mice were sacrificed, the blood, livers and lungs of the mice were collected. The incidence of lung cancer in each group was recorded. The concentration of serum superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and 8-hydroxydeoxygunosine (8-OHdG) were detected by the corresponding kits. Western blotting was used to detect the expression of nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) in the livers. Between-group differences in body weight and food intake of the mice were compared using repeated measures ANOVA, and ANOVA for the differences between non-repeated measurements, with post hoc analysis using Tukey’s method if there were between-group differences. Comparisons of categorical data were performed by chi-square test, and if there were differences between the groups, the Bonferroni method was used for pairwise comparison. Results: A total of 49 in the 120 mice developed lung cancer. The overall incidence of lung cancer was 40.8%. Compared with the control group, the incidence of lung cancers in each experimental group was lower, and the difference was statistically significant. The incidence of lung cancer in the high-dose experimental group was significantly lower than that in the low-dose experimental group. However, the incidence of lung cancer was similar in the three equol groups and the genistein group at the same dose. Compared with the control group, the high-dose experimental group had higher serum SOD concentration, lower MDA and 8-OHdG concentrations, and the differences were statistically significant. Western blotting analysis showed that the expression levels of Nrf2 protein in the experimental groups were higher than those in the control group except the low-dose racemic equol group, and the Nrf2 protein expression level in the high-dose equol groups was higher than that in the low-dose equol groups. Conclusion: Racemic equol and its enantiomers mayinhibit lung carcinogenesis through antioxidant effects.

Key words: Equol, Equol enantiomers, Lung cancer, Antioxidant activity, Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2)

CLC Number: 

  • R73-35+4

Table 1

Feed composition of each group"

Group Diets
CG modified AIN-93G diet
GCG modified AIN-93G diet+500 mg/kg genistein
LEG modified AIN-93G diet+250 mg/kg equol
HEG modified AIN-93G diet+500 mg/kg equol
LRE modified AIN-93G diet+250 mg/kg R-equol
HRE modified AIN-93G diet+500 mg/kg R-equol
LSE modified AIN-93G diet+250 mg/kg S-equol
HSE modified AIN-93G diet+500 mg/kg S-equol

Figure 1

Weekly changes in body weight of mice during the experiment CG, control group; GCG, genistein control group; LEG, low equol group; HEG, high equol group; LRE,low R-equol group; HRE, high R-equol group; LSE, low S-equol group; HSE, high S-equol group."

Figure 2

Changes in weekly food intake per unit weight of mice in each group CG,control group;GCG,genistein control group;LEG,low equol group;HEG,high equol group;LRE,low R-equol group;HRE,high R-equol group;LSE,low S-equol group;HSE,high S-equol group."

Table 2

The incidence of lung cancer in each group"

Group Total Number of cases of
lung cancer
Incidence of
lung cancer/%
CG 15 13 86.7
GCG 15 3 20.0#
LEG 15 9 60.0*
HEG 15 3 20.0#
LRE 15 8 53.3*
HRE 15 2 13.3#
LSE 15 9 60.0*
HSE 15 2 13.3#

Table 3

The result of oxidation/anti-oxidation indices in serum of each group"

Group SOD MDA 8-OHdG
CG 59.70±12.72 3.48±0.12 7.16±0.38
GCG 68.50±2.09# 2.85±0.54# 6.08±0.65#
LEG 54.55±14.65 3.24±0.18 6.51±0.22#
HEG 64.02±6.47 2.61±0.43# 5.41±0.55#
LRE 64.86±10.49 3.04±0.86# 6.45±0.40#
HRE 70.61±1.88# 2.27±0.25# 5.39±0.64#
LSE 61.40±11.60 3.04±0.60# 6.88±0.70
HSE 70.27±5.19# 2.51±0.42# 5.62±0.71#

Figure 3

Nrf2 protein expression profile in each group CG, control group; GCG, genistein control group; LEG, low equol group; HEG, high equol group; LRE, low R-equol group; HRE, high R-equol group; LSE, low S-equol group; HSE, high S-equol group."

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