Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (2): 324-327. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2023.02.017

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Quality of psychomotility recovery after propofol sedation for painless gastroscopy and colonoscopy

Cheng-mei SHI,Yang ZHOU,Ning YANG,Zheng-qian LI,Yi-fan TAO,Ying DENG,Xiang-yang GUO*()   

  1. Department of Anesthesiology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2020-06-12 Online:2023-04-18 Published:2023-04-12
  • Contact: Xiang-yang GUO




Objective: To study the effect of propofol used for painless gastroscopy and colonoscopy on psychomotility recovery. Methods: One hundred adult patients undergoing painless gastroscopy and colonoscopy were recruited, aged 18-72 years, with American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) physical status Ⅰ-Ⅱ. According to age, the patients were divided into youth group (20-39 years old, 27 cases), middle age group (40-54 years old, 37 cases), and elder group (55-64 years old, 36 cases). Propofol was continuously infused according to the patients' condition to mantain the bispectal index (BIS) score 55-64. All the patients received psychomotility assesment 30 min before the operations when the discharge criteria were met including number cancellation test, number connection test and board test. The heart rate, blood pressure, saturation of pulse oximetry, electrocardiograph and BIS were monitored during the operation. The operating time, recovery time, total volume of propofol and discharge time were recorded. If the results obtained were inferior to those before operation, a third assessment was taken 30 minutes later until the results recovered or being superior to the baseline levels. Results: All the patients completed the first and second assessments, and 25 patients had taken the third assessment. There was no statistically significant difference in the results of psychomotility assessment when the patients met the discharge standard. Furthermore, the results were analyzed by grouping with age, and there was no statistical difference in the test results of the youth and middle age groups compared with the preoperative group, among which, the efficiency of the number cancellation test was significantly better than that before operation in the youth group (P < 0.05). However, in the elderly patients the number cancellation efficiency, number connection test and board test were significantly inferior to that before operation (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the accuracy of number cancellation compared with that before operation. The patients who needed the third test in the elder group were significantly more than in the other groups (P < 0.05). Compared with the preoperative results, there was no statistical difference in the test results of those who completed the third test. Conclusion: The psychomotility function of the patients who underwent painless gastroscopy and colonoscopy was recovered when they met discharge criteria. The elderly patients had a prolonged recovery period.

Key words: Propofol, Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, Anesthesia recovery period, Psychomotility

CLC Number: 

  • R614

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the three groups"

Items Youth group (n=27) Middle age group (n=37) Elder group (n=36)
Gender, Female/Male 12/15 18/19 16/20
BMI/(kg/m2), x¯±s 23.7±4.3 24.0±3.8 23.7±5.0
Operating time/min, x¯±s 27.6±3.8 29.4±5.8 28.7±7.6
Emergence time/min, x¯±s 5.3±2.3 5.8±2.0 6.3±2.0
Dosage of propofol/mg, x¯±s 299.9±45.2 288.7±40.2 265.6±58.4

Table 2

Psychomotility test of all patients and three subgroups 30 minutes before operation and at the time of meeting discharge criteria"

Items 30 min before operation Meeting the discharge criteria
Total patients (n=100)
   Number cancellation accuracy 94%±1% 93%±1%
   Number cancellation efficiencya 301.77±96.8 298.2±96.7
   Number connection time/s 103.76±31.95 104.63±37.04
   Board time/s 55.37±11.12 56.17±13.06
Youth group (n=27)
   Number cancellation accuracy 94%±46% 99%±31%*
   Number cancellation efficiencya 354.38±67.56 359.15±69.44
   Number connection time/s 59.15±69.44 79.11±14.11
   Board time/s 48.70±4.66 47.67±5.78
Middle age group (n=37)
   Number cancellation accuracy 97%±41% 96%±9%
   Number cancellation efficiencya 306.30±97.40 308.08±89.42
   Number connection time/s 95.27±16.84 96.37±25.10
   Board time/s 55.08±8.52 54.68±9.13
Elder group (n=36)
   Number cancellation accuracy 86%±11% 84%±15%
   Number cancellation efficiencya 257.70±96.04 242.33±91.92*
   Number connection time/s 129.83±34.39 135.94±38.74*
   Board time/s 60.67±13.98 64.08±15.80*
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