Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2022, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 255-260. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2022.02.009

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A prospective cohort study of the influence of positive/negative effectivity on the mortality risk of the Chinese elderly

LIU Jie,GUO Chao()   

  1. Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Received:2021-05-12 Online:2022-04-18 Published:2022-04-13
  • Contact: Chao GUO
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Fund of China(82103955)




Objective: To explore the influence of positive/negative effectivity on the mortality risk of the Chinese elderly. Methods: Using the latest four surveys data of Chinese longitudinal healthy longevity survey in 2008, 2012, and 2014, as well as 2018 and selecting 10 993 elderly people who were aged 65 and above as research objects, this paper compared the positive/negative effectivity status and differences of the elderly in different gender and age groups. And then this paper analyzed the effect of positive/negative effectivity on elderly people’s mortality risk by constructing Cox proportional hazards model. Results: Compared with the female elderly, the male elderly had lower negative effectivity and higher positive effectivity. With the increase of age, the negative effectivity of the elderly increased, while the positive effectivity decreased. The results showed that after adjusting for the basic demographic characteristics, health status and living habits of the respondents in the baseline survey, in the positive effectivity dimension, “clean preference” (HR=0.922, 95%CI:0.889-0.956), “autonomy” (HR=0.933, 95%CI: 0.914-0.952) and “sense of youth” (HR=0.948, 95%CI:0.927-0.969), had a protective effect on the mortality risk of the elderly, while in the dimension of “open-minded view”, there was no significant difference in the mortality risk of the elderly with different answers. In the negative effecti-vity dimension, “tension and fear” (HR=1.039, 95%CI: 1.014-1.065), “loneliness” (HR=1.053, 95%CI:1.029-1.079) and “uselessness” had a harmful effect on the mortality risk of the elderly. The more positive effectivity, the lower the mortality risk of the elderly (HR=0.967, 95%CI: 0.956-0.978), while the more negative effectivity, the higher the mortality risk of the elderly (HR=1.024, 95%CI:1.013-1.035). Conclusion: The negative effectivity of the elderly in all dimensions may increase the mortality risk of elderly people. We ought to dredge the negative emotions of the elderly in time. In the health promotion of the elderly, we should also pay attention to the encouragement of positive effectivity in all dimensions, which requires the joint efforts of families, communities and governments.

Key words: Positive affectivity, Negative affectivity, Elderly, Mortality risk, Prospective cohort study

CLC Number: 

  • R592

Table 1

Basic information of respondents"

Items Value
Female, n(%) 5 894 (53.62)
Age/years, -x±s 84.84±10.74
Han nationalty, n(%) 10 237 (93.12)
Rural residents, n(%) 6 862 (62.42)
Education/years, -x±s 2.20±3.48
Logarithm of household income, n(%) 9.21 (1.47)
Marital status, n(%)
Married/partnered 7 059 (64.21)
Others 3 934(35.79)
Live with family, n(%) 9 019 (82.04)
Have a pension, n(%) 1 983 (18.04)
Self-rated health state, n(%) 5 560 (50.58)
Self-maintenance, n(%) 1 459 (13.27)
Suffering from chronic diseases, n(%) 5 162 (46.96)
Satisfied with life, n(%) 4 417 (40.18)
Smoke, n(%) 8 870 (80.69)
Drink, n(%) 8 918 (81.12)
Exercise, n(%) 7 617 (69.29)

Table 2

Positive / negative affectivity of the respondents"

Items Total Gender Age groups/years
Male Female P value 65-74 75-84 85-94 95-104 P value
Score of positive effectivity,
Open-minded 3.86±0.70 3.91±0.67 3.81±0.72 <0.001 3.90±0.71 3.84±0.70 3.82±0.70 3.87±0.69 <0.001
Clean preference 3.82±0.67 3.74±0.68 3.88±0.65 <0.001 3.88±0.66 3.83±0.65 3.79±0.68 3.79±0.67 <0.001
Autonomy 3.65±1.20 3.84±1.17 3.48±1.21 <0.001 4.08±1.04 3.80±1.15 3.50±1.22 3.22±1.23 <0.001
Sense of youth 2.76±1.11 2.80±1.10 2.71±1.11 <0.001 2.88±1.07 2.78±1.10 2.74±1.12 2.62±1.11 <0.001
Score of negative effectivity,
Tension and fear 1.98±0.97 1.86±0.93 2.08±0.99 <0.001 1.86±0.92 1.95±0.96 2.05±1.00 2.02±0.96 <0.001
Loneliness 2.04±1.02 1.94±0.99 2.13±1.04 <0.001 1.78±0.94 1.99±1.01 2.15±1.04 2.21±1.04 <0.001
Uselessness 2.78±1.18 2.66±1.18 2.89±1.17 <0.001 2.54±1.16 2.75±1.16 2.88±1.18 2.94±1.17 <0.001
Total score of positive
effectivity, -x±s
14.08±2.37 14.30±2.33 13.87±2.37 <0.001 14.75±2.19 14.26±2.28 13.85±2.40 13.50±2.39 <0.001
Total score of negative
effectivity, -x±s
6.80±2.42 6.46±2.35 7.09±2.44 <0.001 6.18±2.26 6.68±2.40 7.08±2.47 7.16±2.40 <0.001
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