Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (1): 167-173. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2024.01.026

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Characteristics and influencing factors of early pain in patients after total knee arthroplasty

Silan AN,Qunyi ZHENG*(),Kai WANG,Shan GAO   

  1. Department of Bone and Joint, Peking University People's Hospital, Beijing 100044, China
  • Received:2022-04-02 Online:2024-02-18 Published:2024-02-06
  • Contact: Qunyi ZHENG


Objective: To investigate the current status of early pain in patients after total knee arthroplasty under enhanced recovery mode and analyze the influencing factors. Methods: In the study, 142 patients with total knee arthroplasty of a hospital in Beijing were investigated by convenient sampling. Visual analog scale (VAS) was used to describe the degree of pain (including resting pain and activity pain) within 3 days after operation, and the nature and location of pain and satisfaction with the analgesic effect of the patients were recorded. The influencing factors included age, gender, place of residence, education level, body mass index (BMI), years of pain, chronic medical history, surgical history, surgical duration, whether to indwell a drainage tube, type of carer, severity of the disease, sleep quality, anxiety, depression, and preoperative pain level. The investigation tools of influencing factors were the general information questionnaire of patients, pain assessment questionnaire, Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and self-rating depression scale (SDS). Firstly, single factor analysis was carried out on the included influencing factors, and then multiple stepwise regression analysis was carried out on the statistically significant variables to clarify the main influencing factors of early pain in patients after total knee arthroplasty. Results: The peak pain of the patient occurred at night on the first postoperative day and in the afternoon on the second postoperative day, with resting pain scores of (2.5±1.2) and (2.7±1.1), and activity pain scores of (3.8±1.5) and (4.0±1.6); the most common pain site was posterior knee pain (68, 47.9%), followed by anterior knee combined with posterior knee pain (32, 22.5%), anterior knee pain (27, 19.1%), anterior knee combined with medial knee pain (10, 7.0%), and anterior knee combined with lateral knee pain (5, 3.5%); the nature of pain was mostly composed of soreness combined with swelling pain (58, 40.8%), while the rest included simple soreness (26, 18. 3%), simple swelling pain (24, 16.9%), hot burning pain (10, 7.0%), pricking pain (9, 6.3%), spasmodic traction pain (5, 3.5%), tearing pain (4, 2.8%), knife cutting pain (3, 2.2%), and stabbing pain combined with soreness (3, 2.2%); the patients who were satisfied and very satisfied with the analgesic effect were 114 (80.3%). The results of univariate analysis showed that there were significant differences in sleep quality, disease severity, types of care-givers and depression score (P<0.05). The results of multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the main factors affecting the patients' early postoperative pain were preoperative sleep quality, depression, the Knee Society score and the type of care (P=0.002). Conclusion: Most patients under enhanced recovery after surgery are satisfied with the effect of pain control after operation. Medical staff can carry out predictive intervention in patients' sleep quality, depression to reduce the patients' early postoperative pain. At the same time, the research results suggest that choosing family members to accompany the patients can effectively improve the patients' early postoperative pain experience.

Key words: Knee arthroplasty, Enhanced recovery after surgery, Pain, Influencing factors

CLC Number: 

  • R684.7

Table 1

General data and single factor analysis of subjects"

Items Cases, n(%) Statistic value P value Items Cases, n(%) Statistic value P value
Age/years 2.419a 0.069 Preoperative resting pain 1.001a 0.370
    <55 11 (7.7)     0 68 (47.9)
    55-64 34 (23.9)     1 69 (48.6)
    65-75 66 (46.5)     2 5 (3.5)
    >75 31 (21.9) PSQI score 20.986a 0.000
Gender -1.736b 0.085     1-5 39 (27.5)
    Male 24 (16.9)     6-10 69 (48.6)
    Female 118 (83.1)     <11-15 28 (19.7)
Level of education 0.412a 0.800     16-21 6 (4.2)
    Primary school 32 (22.5) Pain time/years 0.780a 0.540
    Junior high school 60 (42.3)     0-5 38 (26.8)
    Senior high school 18 (12.7)     6-10 55 (38.7)
    College 23 (16.2)     11-15 16 (11.3)
    Postgraduate 9 (6.3)     16-20 21 (14.8)
Place of residence 1.585b 0.117     >20 12 (8.5)
    Cities and towns 104 (73.2) KSS score 6.905a 0.000
    Rural area 38 (26.8)     0-19 9 (6.3)
BMI/(kg/m2) 0.561a 0.642     20-39 72 (50.7)
    <18.5 3 (2.1)     40-59 45 (31.7)
    18.5-23.9 34 (23.9)     60-69 12 (8.5)
    24.0-27.9 48 (33.8)     70-84 4 (2.8)
    ≥28 57 (40.1) Drainage tube -2.320b 0.022
Operation history 1.644b 0.103     Yes 89 (62.7)
    Yes 62 (43.7)     No 53 (37.3)
    No 80 (56.3) Types of caregivers -2.222b 0.028
Chronic illness 1.235b 0.219     Nurse’s aide 105 (73.9)
    Yes 84 (59.2)     Family 37 (26.1)
    No 58 (40.8) Depression score -5.250b 0.000
Preoperative activity pain 2.501a 0.062     <53 100 (70.4)
    0 19 (13.4)     ≥53 42 (29.6)
    1 41 (28.9) Anxiety score -1.596b 0.113
    2 65 (45.8)     <50 119 (83.8)
    3 17 (11.9)     ≥50 23 (16.2)

Table 2

Assignment of independent variables"

Independent variable Assignment method
Age/years <55 =1, 55-64 =2, 65-75 =3, >75 =4
Gender Male=1, Female=2
Level of education Primary school =1, Junior high school =2, Senior high school =3, College =4, Postgraduate =5
Place of residence Cities and towns =1, Rural area =2
BMI/(kg/m2) <18.5=1, 18.5-23.9=2, 24.0-27.9=3, ≥28=4
Operation history Yes=1, No=2
Chronic illness Yes=1, No=2
Pain score 0=1, 1=2, 2=3, 3=4
PSQI score 1-5=1, 6-10=2, 11-15=3, 16-21=4
KSS score 0-19=1, 20-39=2, 40-59=3, 60-69=4, 70-84=5
Drainage tube Yes=1, No=2
Operation time Substitution of original value
Types of caregivers Nurse’s aide =1, Family=2
Pain time/year 0-5=1, 6-10=2, 11-15=3, 16-20=4, >20=5
Anxiety score <53=1, ≥53=2
Depression score <50=1, ≥51=2

Table 3

Results of multiple stepwise regression analysis on early pain of patients after total knee arthroplasty"

Independent variable B SE β t P
Constant 11.725 14.309 0.819 0.414
PSQI score 24.484 2.994 0.484 8.177 0.000
KSS score -15.355 2.829 -0.321 -5.428 0.000
Depression score 25.538 5.342 0.288 4.780 0.000
Types of caregivers 16.474 5.127 0.187 3.313 0.002
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