Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (4): 700-707. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2024.04.025

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Personal nitrogen oxides exposure levels and related influencing factors in adults over 35 years old in Tianjin and Shanghai

Bo PANG1,Tongjun GUO1,Xi CHEN2,Huaqi GUO3,Jiazhang SHI1,Juan CHEN1,Xinmei WANG1,Yaoyan LI2,Anqi SHAN2,Hengyi YU3,Jing HUANG1,Naijun TANG2,Yan WANG4,Xinbiao GUO1,Guoxing LI1,*(),Shaowei WU5,*()   

  1. 1. Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Peking University School of Public Health, Beijing 100191, China
    2. Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University; Tianjin Key Laboratory of Environment, Nutrition and Public Health, Tianjin 300070, China
    3. Department of Food Safety and Toxicology, School of Public Health, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200020, China
    4. The Ninth People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China
    5. Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi'an 710061, China
  • Received:2021-01-08 Online:2024-08-18 Published:2024-07-23
  • Contact: Guoxing LI,Shaowei WU;
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC0211600);National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC0211601)




Objective: To investigate personal exposures to nitrogen oxides (NOX) and nitrogen di-oxide (NO2) and the influence of baseline personal characteristics, living environment and daily activity patterns of the participants on the exposures among adults over 35 in Tianjin and Shanghai. Methods: In this panel study, 91 healthy nonsmoking adults aged over 35 from Tianjin and Shanghai participated in our study. The study was conducted in summer and winter. The participants were followed for three times with an interval of at least two weeks. Only participants in Shanghai were followed once in winter because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Twenty-seven participants completed follow-up visits in both seasons. We measured their 24 h personal exposures to NOX and NO2and collected their baseline and time-activity information through questionnaire/diary. The linear mixed model was used to analyze the associations between potential influencing factors and personal NOX and NO2 exposure levels. Results: There were 349 follow-up visits with valid 24 h personal NO2 and NOX exposure measurements in the two cities. The ave-rage 24 h personal exposures to NO2 and NOX (volume fraction) in Tianjin participants were 18.0×10-9 and 26.2×10-9 in summer, and 31.0×10-9 and 54.9×10-9 in winter, respectively; and the average 24 h personal exposures to NO2 and NOX in Shanghai participants were 38.7×10-9 and 100.0×10-9 in summer, and 45.5×10-9 and 139.2×10-9 in winter, respectively. The results of univariate regression analysis showed that their personal NOX exposure levels were significantly associated with city, season, gender, average daily cooking times, and ambient NO2 concentrations measured at fixed-site monitoring stations. In addition to the above factors, the personal NOX exposure levels were also significantly associated with educational level and the personal NO2 exposure levels were also significantly associated with passive smoking, average daily home time, cooking energy type, residential distance from main traffic road, and use of kitchen ventilators. Multivariate regression analysis showed that the personal exposure levels of NO2 and NOX were significantly lower in Tianjin than that in Shanghai, were significantly lower in summer than that in winter, and were significantly and positively associated with ambient NO2 concentrations measured at fixed-site monitoring stations. In addition, personal NOX exposure levels were significantly lower in females than in males, and personal NO2 exposure levels were significantly positively associated with average daily cooking times and significantly inversely associated with average daily home time. For every interquartile range (IQR) increase (12.7×10-9) in ambient NO2, the personal NO2 exposure levels increased by 27.5% (95%CI: 17.0%-38.9%), and personal NOX exposure levels increased by 16.1% (95%CI: 7.1%-25.8%). Conclusion: Season, city and ambient NO2 concentrations are significant influencing factors of personal exposure levels of NO2and NOX. At the same time, the personal exposures levels of NO2are also affected by lifestyle factors. Our study provides scientific evidence for making precise air pollution control decisions and reducing the exposure levels of NOX in the population.

Key words: Air pollution, Nitrogen oxides, Personal exposure, Risk factors

CLC Number: 

  • R122.7

Table 1

Descriptive information on baseline personal characteristics, living environment and daily activity patterns of the participants (n=91)"

Variablen (%) or $\bar x \pm s$Variablen (%) or $\bar x \pm s$
Age 53.5±5.5 Average daily traffic time/min 428.0±588.7
  ≤60 years old 85 (93.4) Average daily cooking times
  >60 years old 6 (6.6)   ≤1 39 (42.9)
Gender   2 25 (27.5)
  Male 25 (27.5)   ≥3 27 (29.6)
  Female 66 (72.5) Average daily home time
Spouse   ≤10 h 6 (6.6)
  No 8 (8.8)   10-20 h 17 (18.7)
  Yes 83 (91.2)   ≥20 h 68 (74.7)
Body mass index/(kg/m2) 24.1±2.5 Cooking energy type
Educational level   Natural gas 76 (83.5)
  Below high school 4 (4.4)   Liquefied gas 6 (6.6)
  High school and above 87 (95.6)   Electricity 4 (4.4)
Passive smoking   Piped gas 4 (4.4)
  No 50 (54.9)   Else 1 (1.1)
  Yes 41 (45.1) Use of kitchen ventilatorsa
City   No 8 (8.9)
  Shanghai 71 (78.0)   Yes 82 (91.1)
  Tianjin 20 (22.0) Use of air conditioners
House floor area   No 5 (5.5)
  Small (<90 m2) 75 (82.4)   Yes 86 (94.5)
  Medium and large (≥90 m2) 16 (17.6) Use of air purifiers
Residential distance from main traffic road   No 78 (84.7)
  <50 meters 27 (29.7)   Yes 13 (14.3)
  50-100 meters 27 (29.7)
  >100 meters 37 (40.6)
Separated kitchen and living room
  No 2 (2.2)
  Yes 89 (97.8)

Table 2

Personal NO2 and NOX exposure levels, daily average temperature and relative humidity, and interquartile ranges during the study"

VariableTianjin Shanghai IQR F
Summer (n=41) Winter (n=41) Summer (n=223) Winter (n=44)
Personal NO2/(×10-9) 18.0 (7.5) 31.0 (10.7) 38.7 (19.5) 45.5 (12.4) 26.2 23.3*
Personal NOX/(×10-9) 26.2 (17.3) 54.9 (29.4) 100.0 (46.7) 139.2 (54.4) 52.8 60.4*
Ambient NO2/(×10-9) 42.2 (16.0) 58.5 (18.6) 19.6 (7.0) 31.8 (6.1) 12.7 52.2*
Personal temperature/℃ 25.1 (3.2) 18.8 (3.0) 28.0 (1.8) 24.3 (5.4) 7.0 435.1*
Personal RH/% 48.1 (9.1) 28.7 (7.6) 64.9 (7.7) 64.8 (9.7) 16.4 237.6*

Table 3

Univariate regression results of factors influencing personal exposure levels of NO2 and NOX"

Variable Univariate regression β (SE) for NO2 Univariate regression β (SE) for NOX
  Tianjin -0.221 1* (0.038 3) -0.491 1* (0.035 5)
  Summer -0.077 7* (0.263 0) -0.175 8* (0.028 5)
Average daily cooking times
  2 0.107 0* (0.030 0) 0.096 4* (0.036 2)
  ≥3 0.107 3* (0.031 6) 0.052 5 (0.038 6)
  Yes 0.036 3 (0.045 7) 0.028 2 (0.053 5)
Educational level
  Below high school
  High school and above 0.230 8 (0.056 2) -0.132 6* (0.065 3)
House floor area
  Small (<90 m2)
  Medium and large (≥90 m2) 0.018 4 (0.035 9) 0.045 7 (0.042 8)
Separated kitchen and living room
  Yes 0.035 5 (0.648 0) 0.013 6 (0.074 5)
BMI 0.004 0 (0.004 4) 0.003 1 (0.005 3)
Average daily traffic time 0.000 03 (0.000 02) 0.000 02 (0.000 02)
Ambient NO2 0.007 6* (0.001 3) 0.008 2* (0.001 4)
Passive smoking
  Yes 0.083 6* (0.025 8) -0.004 7 (0.031 2)
  ≤60 years old
  >60 years old -0.074 8 (0.051 6) -0.051 3 (0.062 6)
  Female -0.079 9* (0.030 4) -0.081 9* (0.036 9)
Average daily home time
  ≤10 h
  10-20 h -0.107 7 (0.058 6) -0.016 2 (0.071 9)
  ≥20 h -0.128 4* (0.054 2) -0.046 3 (0.067 1)
Cooking energy type
  Natural gas
  Liquefied gas -0.087 3 (0.048 6) -0.003 9 (0.057 3)
  Electricity -0.140 5* (0.056 7) -0.038 4 (0.066 3)
  Piped gas -0.114 0 (0.075 3) 0.019 8 (0.093 5)
  Else -0.091 4 (0.126 5) 0.064 8 (0.150 9)
Use of kitchen ventilator
  Yes 0.105 3* (0.042 3) 0.008 9 (0.049 7)
Residential distance from main traffic road
  <50 meters
  50-100 meters -0.067 8* (0.032 3) 0.063 3 (0.038 3)
  >100 meters -0.036 3 (0.031 4) 0.017 1 (0.037 8)
Use of air conditioner
  Yes 0.036 2 (0.053 3) -0.116 2 (0.062 8)
Use of air purifier
  Yes 0.014 6 (0.040 1) 0.035 2 (0.049 3)

Table 4

Multivariate regression results of factors influencing personal exposure levels of NO2 and NOX based on linear mixed-effects model"

Variable Multivariate regression β (SE) for NO2 Multivariate regression β (SE) for NOX
  Tianjin -0.249 0* (0.036 2) -0.555 4* (0.031 4)
  Summer -0.007 4* (0.029 7) -0.162 4* (0.031 2)
Passive smoking
  Yes 0.043 2 (0.025 5)
  Female -0.029 6 (0.027 7) -0.105 4* (0.025 0)
Average daily home time
  ≤10 h
  10-20 h -0.108 4 (0.057 7)
  ≥20 h -0.115 0* (0.053 5)
Cooking energy type
  Natural gas
  Liquefied gas -0.081 4 (0.048 6)
  Electricity -0.110 9 (0.063 3)
  Piped gas -0.087 4 (0.079 1)
  Else -0.170 4 (0.123 8)
Average daily cooking times
  2 0.059 0 (0.028 4) 0.037 7 (0.027 9)
  ≥3 0.085 3* (0.030 0) -0.003 5 (0.028 6)
Educational level
  Below high school
  High school and above -0.054 5 (0.051 1)
Use of kitchen ventilator
  Yes 0.006 0 (0.052 3)
Residential distance from main traffic road
  <50 meters
  50-100 meters -0.046 0 (0.030 0)
  >100 meters -0.041 8 (0.027 9)
Ambient NO2a 0.008 3* (0.001 5) 0.005 1* (0.001 4)
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