北京大学学报(医学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (1): 39-44. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2024.01.007

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  1. 北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院牙周科,国家口腔医学中心,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,口腔生物材料和数字诊疗装备国家工程研究中心,口腔数字医学北京市重点实验室,国家卫生健康委员会口腔医学计算机应用工程技术研究中心,国家药品监督管理局口腔生物材料重点实验室,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-10 出版日期:2024-02-18 发布日期:2024-02-06
  • 通讯作者: 韩劼 E-mail:han_jie17@sina.com

A preliminary study on compliance of supportive treatment of patients with periodontitis after implant restoration therapy

Han ZHANG,Yixuan QIN,Diyuan WEI,Jie HAN*()   

  1. Department of Periodontology, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology & National Center of Stomatology & National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases & National Engineering Research Center of Oral Biomaterials and Digital Medical Devices & Beijing Key Laboratory of Digital Stomatology & NHC Research Center of Engineering and Technology for Computerized Dentistry & NMPA Key Laboratory for Dental Materials, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2023-10-10 Online:2024-02-18 Published:2024-02-06
  • Contact: Jie HAN E-mail:han_jie17@sina.com




目的: 分析牙周炎患者种植修复后进行维护治疗依从性的影响因素,以期改进医患沟通内容,提高患者依从性,增进种植体周健康。方法: 选择2022年3月至2023年8月于北京大学口腔医院牙周科进行复查且完成种植修复治疗5年以上的牙周炎患者,通过问卷了解患者口腔卫生习惯、全身情况、吸烟情况、对医嘱记忆的准确性、对牙周及种植修复体维护的重视程度,以及影响其复查的具体原因,通过病历记录获得患者的牙周炎严重程度、实际复查频率及复查原因,分析以上因素对患者牙周及种植维护治疗依从性的影响。结果: 共纳入92例患者,调查问卷数据分析显示口腔卫生习惯、医嘱记忆准确性均与患者维护治疗依从性相关(P < 0.05),影响患者复查的主要因素为没有时间(47.0%)和挂号难(24.8%)。虽然大多数患者对牙周及种植修复体维护治疗的重视态度良好,但是55.4%的患者在医院电话通知后才接受复查,且患者对于天然牙健康的重视程度明显低于种植修复体。结论: 临床工作中应该重视对患者进行口腔卫生指导,督促患者养成良好口腔卫生习惯,在宣教中还应增加预防牙周炎相关知识,并结合患者的个性特征激发其主动维护牙周及种植修复体的动力。对于教育程度较低者和年龄较大者应该给予更多的关注和耐心,改进医嘱内容,增加记忆点,这些都有助于提高患者维护治疗的依从性。

关键词: 依从性, 种植修复, 维护治疗, 牙周炎, 牙周维护治疗


Objective: To find out factors influencing the compliance of supportive treatment of patients with periodontitis who have received implant restoration therapy. Methods: Patients who had completed periodontal and implant restoration treatment for more than 5 years in Department of Periodontology, Peking University Hospital of Stomatology were subjected to inclusion between March 2022 and August 2023.A questionnaire was compiled to gather the information including patients ' basic information (gender, age, and educational background etc.), smoking habits, general health conditions, oral hygiene habits, willingness to undertake periodontal and dental implant supportive treatment, actual fact on supportive treatment recorded in medical records, whether medical advices were correctly remembered, and reasons affected them to implement supportive therapy. The questionnaires were handed out to the above patients and filled during the process of follow-up treatment. Chi-square test, univariate and multivariate analysis of Logistic regression were employed to explore the correlations of these factors and the patients' compliance. Results: In the study, 92 patients and questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The results indicated that oral hygiene habits and whether medical advices were correctly remembered had significant correlation with compliance (P < 0.05). Time constraint (47.0%) and difficulty in appointment registration (24.8%) were the top 2 reasons obstructed them to undertake supportive treatment. Although the vast majority of the patients indicated willingness to perform follow-ups, 55.4% of them wouldn't come back until the dentist called them back. The results of our study also indicated that the patients placed significantly less importance on the health of natural teeth than implants. Conclusion: In order to improve the compliance of supportive treatment, we suggest that dentists should put more emphasis on oral hygiene instruction, and knowledge regarding periodontitis should also be added as part of patient education contents. In the early stages of treatment, the patient should develop the habit of regular follow-up checks, More attention and patience should be given to elderly patients and those with lower level of education; use language that is easy to understand and printed medical instructions to help them remember. Patients can memorize better from refined doctors' advice, reinforcing care knowledge and refining medical advices can promote better follow-up treatment results. Motivating patients based on their characteristics is critical to improving compliance.

Key words: Compliance, Dental implant, Maintenance, Periodontitis, Supportive periodontal therapy


  • R781.4



Factor Good compliance Medium compliance Poor compliance χ2/F P
Gender, n/(%) 0.491 0.808
  Male 12 (46.1) 16 (55.2) 18 (48.6)
  Female 14 (53.9) 13 (44.8) 19 (51.4)
Age/years, ${\bar x}$±s 53.81±11.00 57.34±9. 76 55.84±11.38 0.740 0.480
Age groups/years, n(%) 1.571 0.482
  ≥60 7 (26.9) 12 (41.1) 15 (40.5)
   < 60 19 (73.1) 17 (58.6) 22 (59. 5)
Educational background, n(%) 1.684 0.830
  High school or below 1 (3.8) 3 (10.3) 4 (10.8)
  Junior college 4 (15.4) 6 (20.7) 7 (18.9)
  College or above 21 (80.8) 20 (69. 0) 26 (70.3)
Oral hygiene habits, n(%) 17.598 0.002
  Well 19 (73.1) 16 (55.2) 10 (27)
  Medium 3 (11.5) 3 (10.3) 3 (8.1)
  Poor 4 (15.4) 10 (34.5) 24 (64.9)
Periodontitis severity, n(%) 9. 499 0.067
  Minor 0 (0.0) 1 (3.4) 4 (10.8)
  Moderate 21 (80.8) 15 (51.7) 23 (62.2)
  Severe 5 (19.2) 13 (44.8) 10 (27.0)
Whether medical advices were correctly remembered, n(%) 13.033 0.002
  Correct 23 (88.5) 27 (93.1) 22 (59. 5)
  Incorrect 3 (11.5) 2 (6.9) 15 (40.5)
Willingness to undertake periodontal supportive treatment, n(%) 6.783 0.199
  High 18 (69. 2) 15 (51.7) 19 (51.4)
  Medium 8 (30.8) 12 (41.4) 13 (35.1)
  Low 0 (0.0) 2 (6.9) 5 (13.5)
Willingness to undertake dental implant supportive treatment, n(%) 7.781 0.033
  High 26 (100.0) 28 (96.6) 29 (78.4)
  Medium 0 (0.0) 1 (3.4) 5 (13.5)
  Low 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 3 (8.1)
The reason for the last follow-up, n(%) 10.839 0.039
  Active revisiting by patients 13 (50.0) 14 (48.3) 8 (21.6)
  Active follow-up appointments by doctors 12 (46.2) 14 (48.3) 25 (67.6)
  Presence of associated signs and symptoms 1 (3.8) 1 (3.4) 4 (10.8)



Compliance Factor B SE Wald df P OR 95%CI
Medium Intercept -0.451 0.404 1.243 1 0.265
Oral hygiene habits=well 1.543 0.613 6.341 1 0.012 4.678 1.408-15.546
Oral hygiene habits=medium 0.714 0.943 0.574 1 0.449 2.043 0.322-12.968
Oral hygiene habits=poor
Medical advices were correctly remembered 2.398 0.847 8.012 1 0.005 11.007 2.091-57.931
Medical advices were incorrectly remembered
Good Intercept -1.399 0.559 6.266 1 0.012
Oral hygiene habits=well 2.611 0.712 13.450 1 < 0.001 13.615 3.373-54.960
Oral hygiene habits=medium 1.645 1.013 2.636 1 0.104 5.178 0.711-37.707
Oral hygiene habits=poor
Medical advices were correctly remembered 1.915 0.785 5.949 1 0.015 6.785 1.457-31.610
Medical advices were incorrectly remembered



Factor Mode
Oral hygiene habits Well=1, medium=2, poor=3
Periodontitis severity Minor=1, moderate=2, severe=3
Whether medical advices were correctly remembered Correct=1, incorrect=2
Willingness to undertake dental implant supportive treatment High=1, medium=2, low=3
The reason for the last follow-up Active revisiting by patients=1, active follow-up appointments by doctors=2, presence of associated signs and symptoms=3
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