北京大学学报(医学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (2): 358-363. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-167X.2018.02.026

• 技术方法 • 上一篇    下一篇


马运东1, 黄东2, 陈宇峰2, 姜皓云2, 刘军华2, 孙洪强1△, 李志宏2△   

  1. [1. 北京大学第六医院,北京大学精神卫生研究所,卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学),国家精神心理疾病临床医学研究中心(北京大学第六医院), 北京100191; 2. 北京大学微纳电子研究院,微米/纳米加工技术国家级重点实验室, 北京100871]
  • 出版日期:2018-04-18 发布日期:2018-04-18
  • 通讯作者: 孙洪强, 李志宏 E-mail: sunhq@bjmu.edu.cn, zhhli@pku.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Verification of skin paste electrodes used in wireless polysomnography

MA Yun-dong1, HUANG Dong2, CHEN Yu-feng2, JIANG Hao-yun2, LIU Jun-hua2, SUN Hong-qiang1△, LI Zhi-hong2△   

  1. [1. Peking University Sixth Hospital, Peking University Institute of Mental Health, Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Ministry of Health (Peking University), National Clinical Research Center for Mental Disorders (Peking University Sixth Hospital), Beijing 100191, China; 2. Institute of Microelectronics, National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Micro/Nano Fabrication, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China]
  • Online:2018-04-18 Published:2018-04-18
  • Contact: SUN Hong-qiang, LI Zhi-hong E-mail: sunhq@bjmu.edu.cn, zhhli@pku.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Peking University Seed Fund for MedicineInformation Interdisciplinary Research Project (BMU20160582), the Capital Health Research and Development of Special (2018-1-4111) and the Capital Foundation for Clinical Characteristics and Application Research(Z151100004015054)

摘要: 目的:开发一种适用于便携式睡眠监测设备的电极,并对该电极监测到的眼动图(electrooculogram, EOG)和脑电图(electroencephalography, EEG)信号结果进行验证。方法:通过微机电系统(microelectromechanical systems, MEMS)技术制备柔性电极,其中电极为金/铬双层结构,柔性衬底采用具有良好生物兼容性的聚对二甲苯(parylene)。电极被设计并制作成网状结构,使得下层的胶带能更有效地与皮肤贴合,降低与皮肤的接触阻抗。在电极制作完成后,使用CHI660E电化学工作站对电极的交流阻抗特性进行测试,此外,将电极连接到包含生物信号采集和数字化处理专用芯片的无线信号采集套件,采集志愿者眼周不同位点、不同方向眼动的电信号,并对眼动信号的信噪比进行分析。最后使用标准多导睡眠监测仪来对比皮肤贴电极和金杯电极采集脑电信号时的噪声幅度。结果:皮肤贴电极在小于100 Hz交流电范围的阻抗为4~13 kΩ,使用皮肤贴电极可以采集到不同方向眼动的眼电信号,皮肤贴电极采集到的脑电信号噪声幅度低于金杯电极采集到的脑电信号噪声幅度。结论:皮肤贴电极可以作为开发适用于便携式睡眠监测设备中眼动电信号和脑电信号监测的备选电极。

关键词: 多导睡眠监测仪, 微机电系统, 眼动图, 脑电图, 电极

Abstract: Objective: To explore an electrode suitable for wireless portable sleep monitoring equipment and analyze the result of the signals of electrooculogram (EOG) and electroencephalography (EEG) collected by this kind of flexible electrodes. Methods: The flexible electrodes were prepared by microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. This kind of electrodes consisted parylene, chromium, and gold. Parylene, the flexible substrate of this kind of flexible electrodes, was of biocompatibility. Between parylene and gold there was an adhesion layer of chromium, which connected parylene and gold tightly. Then the flexible electrodes were stuck to medical adhesive tape. The electrodes were designed and made into a grid to make sure that the medical adhesive tape could tape on the skin tightly, so that the contact impedance between the electrodes and the skin would be reduced. Then the alternating current impedance of the electrode were tested by the CHI660E electrochemical workstation after the electrode was achieved. To make sure that this kind of electrodes could be used in EOG monitoring, the electrodes were connected to a wireless signal acquisition suite containing special biological signal acquisition and digital processing chip to gather different sites around the eyes and the electrical signals of different directions of the eye movements, then analyzed the signal-to-noise ratio of the EOG. At the end, the Philips A6 polysomnography was used to compare the noise amplitude of the EEG signals collected by the flexible electrode and the gold cup electrode. Results: The electrodes stuck to the skin tightly, and these electrodes could collect signals that we wanted while the experiment was performed. The alternating current impedance of the flexible electrode was between 4 kΩ and 13 kΩ while with the frequency of alternating current under 100 Hz, most EEG signal frequencies were at this range. The EOG signals collected by the flexible electrodes were in line with the clinical requirements. The noise amplitude of EEG signals collected by the flexible electrodes was lower than that of the electrical signals collected by the gold cup electrodes. Conclusion: The flexible electrode could be taken into consideration as an alternative electrode for monitoring EOG and EEG signals, and the wireless portable sleep monitoring devices are to be further developed in the future.

Key words: Polysomnography, Micro-electromechanical systems, Electrooculogram, Electroencephalography, Electrodes


  • R741.044
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