北京大学学报(医学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (5): 768-777. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-167X.2017.05.005

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刘雪芹1, 闫辉1, 邱建星2, 张春雨1, 齐建光1, 张欣1, 肖慧捷1, 杨艳玲1, 陈永红1, 杜军保1   

  1. 北京大学第一医院1.儿科, ,北京 100034 ;
    2.北京大学第一医院 医学影像科,北京 100034
  • 收稿日期:2017-06-12 出版日期:2017-10-18 发布日期:2017-10-18

Pulmonary arterial hypertension as leading manifestation of methylmalonic aciduria: clinical characteristics and gene testing in 15 cases

LIU Xue-qin1, YAN Hui1, QIU Jian-xing2, ZHANG Chun-yu1, QI Jian-guang1, ZHANG Xin1, XIAO Hui-jie1, YANG Yan-ling1, CHEN Yong-hong1, DU Jun-bao1   

  1. 1. Department of Pediatrics, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China;
    2. Department of Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China
  • Received:2017-06-12 Online:2017-10-18 Published:2017-10-18

摘要: 目的 总结15例以肺高血压(pulmonary hypertension, PH)为突出表现的甲基丙二酸尿症(methylmalonic aciduria, MMA)患儿临床特点及基因检测结果,提高对甲基丙二酸尿症相关PH临床表现的认识及诊治水平。方法 回顾性分析2012年5月至2016年5月北京大学第一医院儿科诊断治疗的15例以PH为突出表现的MMA患儿临床特点、诊断治疗经过、基因突变分析及随访结果,MMA的诊断标准为尿中甲基丙二酸水平>正常值的100倍,检测血浆总同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)和脑利钠肽(brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)水平。PH的诊断标准采用多普勒超声经三尖瓣反流估测的肺动脉收缩压(pulmonary arterial systolic pressure, PASP)>40 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)。结果 (1)起病特点:15例患儿中男10例,女5例,年龄0.5~13.8岁,平均(5.0±4.3)岁,PH起病年龄(3.7±3.5)岁,其中早发型5例,晚发型10例,10例PH症状为MMA首发表现,5例在MMA起病后3~72个月出现PH症状。(2)临床表现:气促和/或呼吸困难11例,口唇发绀11例, 乏力和/或活动耐力下降6例,水肿4例;PH国际卫生组织功能分级(WHO FC)为Ⅱ级4例,Ⅲ级5例,Ⅵ级6例,平均(3.1±0.8)级。(3)多系统损害:肾损害14例,表现为血尿及蛋白尿,5例为慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD),8例大细胞性贫血,4例伴轻-中度智力运动发育落后,5例亚临床甲状腺功能减低。(4)辅助检查:15例患儿经超声心动图三尖瓣反流测量的肺动脉收缩压49~135 mmHg,平均(90.3±23.9) mmHg;血浆总Hcy显著升高[35.0~221.0 μmol/L,平均(121.2±48.2) μmol/L],其中11例>100 μmol/L; 12例血BNP水平不同程度升高[21.0~4995.0 ng/L,中位值794 ng/L,其中12例>300 ng/L],血气分析发现存在不同程度低氧血症,动脉血氧饱和度平均81.4%±8.4%(70%~94%)。(5)肺部高分辨CT(high resolusion CT, HRCT):9例小叶中心磨玻璃密度结节及肺小叶间隔增厚,提示肺静脉闭塞病(pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, POVD),其中3例伴肺部炎症或肺水肿,另3例伴弥漫间质浸润呈网格样改变,提示肺间质病变。(6)基因检测结果:10例均为MMACHC基因复合杂合突变(cblC型),共发现5种已报道突变,其中10例c.80A>G突变,6例同时存在c.609G>A突变。(7)治疗及随访结果:所有患儿均给予羟钴胺肌肉注射及甜菜碱等治疗,11例给予肺动脉高压靶向药物,住院治疗后PASP、血Hcy、BNP均显著降低,2例死亡,13例随访11~64个月,平均(27.5±19.0)个月,临床症状均缓解,除1例外,肺动脉压力均在3~6个月恢复至正常,随访PH无复发,多系统损害明显恢复。结论 PH是MMA合并型的严重并发症,多发生于晚发型男性患儿,临床以气促、呼吸困难和发绀症状为突出表现,多存在低氧血症,HRCT多呈POVD改变,PH常与肾受累同时存在,及时诊断并给予针对MMA的治疗以及恰当抗PH治疗,肺动脉压力短期内多可恢复正常,重症患儿可危及生命。MMACHC基因c.80A>G可能是MMA相关PH的热点突变。

关键词: 甲基丙二酸, 同型半胱氨酸, 基因, 治疗, 甲基丙二酸尿症, 高同型半胱氨酸血症, 肺高血压, 肺静脉闭塞病

Abstract: Objective: To deepen our understanding of Methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) associated pulmonary hypertension (PH) by analyzing the characteristics of clinical presentation, pulmonary high resolusion CT(HRCT), treatment response and gene mutation. Methods: This study includes 15 cases of pediatric patients with MMA associated PH diagnosed and treated in Peking University First Hospital pediatric department between May 2012 and May 2016 with symptoms of PH as their leading presentation. Clinical symptoms and signs were recorded, Routine blood laboratory examinations was done including arterial blood gas analysis. Plasma total homocysteine (Hcy) and brain natriuretic peptide(BNP) level were measured. MMA gene mutation was analyzed. Chest HRCT was done in most of the patients. Standard treatment strategy to MMA and PH was given and follow up study was done, and the related literature was reviewed. Statistical analysis was done. The diagnosis of MMA was made by methylmalonic acid level >100 times the normal value in the urine. The diagnosis of PH was made by pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PASP)>40 mmHg, which was estimated by the measurement of tricuspid regurgitation velocity through Doppler Echocardiography. Results: (1) Patient characteristics: There were 10 male and 5 female patients diagnosed as MMA associated PH, aged 0.5 to 13.8 years, with an average of (5.0±4.3) years. The age of onset of PH was (3.7±3.5) years, with an early onset type MMA in 5 cases and late-onset type in 10 cases. (2) Clinical presentation: Among the 15 cases of MMA, the first symptoms were associated with PH in 10 cases , so PH and MMA were diagnosed at the same time, and PH was diagnosed 3 to 72 months post MMA presentation in the other 5 cases. The main presentations of PH were techypnea /dyspnea and cyanosis in 11 cases each, weakness and fatigue on exertion in 6 cases, and edema in 4 cases. PH WHO functional classification (WHO FC) was ClassⅡin 4 , Class Ⅲ in 5 and Class Ⅵ in 6 cases, with an average of Class 3.1±0.8. Multi-system involvements were common with the highest frequency in the kidney (14 cases). Macrocytic anemia was present in 8 cases and sub-clinical hypothyroidism in 5 cases, and mild to moderate mental retardation in 4 cases. (3) Laboratory examination: PASP of the 15 patients was from 49 to 135 mmHg, with an average of (90.3±23.9) mmHg. Total blood Hcy level was severely elevated to (121.2±48.2) μmol/L (range: 35.0-221.0 μmol/L), and Hcy >100 μmol/L within 11 cases. Plasma BNP level was also elevated, median 794 ng/L (range: 21.0-4 995.0 ng/L) with 12 cases >300 ng/L. Blood gas analysis showed low arterial blood oxygen saturation between 70% and 94%, with an average of 81.4%±8.4%. (4) Chest HRCT: chest HRCT showed a diffuse ground-glass centrilobular nodular opacities with septal line thickening in the lungs in 9 cases, and with associated mediastinal lymph node enlargement in 1 case, which indicated pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD), a rare type of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). There was lung infection or edema in 3 cases , and interstitial infiltration and mesh-like feature in other 3 cases, which was inferred to interstitial lung disease. (5) Gene mutation: Genetic testing was done in 10 cases, totally 5 reported disease-causing mutations were found. There were 100% presence of MMACHC c.80A>G mutation in all the 10 patients tested, with the allelic genes of c.609G>A mutation in 6 patients, including a sister and a brother from the same parents. (6). Treatment and follow up: Intramuscular hydroxocobalamin or vitamin B12 was given to all of the patients, together with betaine, levocarnidtine, folinic acid and vitamin B6. According to the severity of PH, single or combined PAH targeted drugs was given to 11 cases. By an average of (20.0±13.5) days of in-hospital treatment in 13 patients (excepting 1 case treated as outpatient), symptoms remarkably resolved, WHO FC reduced to an average of Class 2.4±0.9, PASP dropped to (69.4±21.3) mmHg, and plasma Hcy and BNP level were decreased to (74.9±25.9) μmol/L and (341.6±180.2) ng/L, respectively. The above values all reached statistical significance (P<0.05) compared with each related value before treatment. There were 2 patients who expired during hospitalization despite of treatment. At the end of 3 months’ follow up, all of the 13 patients disposed oxygen, and PASP significantly dropped to 38.7±7.9 mmHg, and plasma BNP returned to normal, but plasma Hcy level showed no further decline. At the last follow up of 27.5±19.0 (range: 11-64) months, all the patients’ PASP remained normal except for the 13.8-year-old boy with 6 years-long history of MMA and almost 3.6 years’ history of PH still having PASP 58 mmHg. Conclusion: PH is a severe complication of MMA combined type, especially cblC type, it is more often happens in late-onset type of male patients and can be the first and leading manifestations of MMA. Its clinical symptoms are urgent and severe, characterized by tachypnea/dyspnea and cyanosis, and sometimes right heart failure, hypoxemia is usually present, chest HRCT is often indicative of PVOD, lung edema and interstitial lung disease may occur. Rapid diagnosis and targeted treatment of MMA with appropriate anti-PAH medication can reverse PH and save life. MMACHC gene c.80A>G mutation may be the hot point of MMA cblC type associated PH.

Key words: Methylmalonic acid, Homocysteine, Genes, Therapy, Methylmalonic aciduria, Hyperhomocysteinemia, Pulmonary hypertension, Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease


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